Moonrise over Montréal

Jun 21
Mordecai Richler Gazebo Friday 8:00 PM - 8:00 PM
7 / 12

Come see the Full Moon rise above downtown Montréal from atop Mont Royal.

In this edition, we'll see the Moon rise shortly after the Sun sets. The Moon will appear large and orange in the nighttime sky.

After rising, take a closeup look at it with the telescope and get your very own photo with your phone.


  • 8:00 PM: Meet at Mordecai Richler Gazebo (across from Jeanne-Mance Park)
  • 8:15 PM: Leave the statue
  • 8:46 PM: The Sun sets
  • 8:50 PM: Arrive at Chalet du Mont Royal
  • 9:11 PM: The Moon rises

What You'll Learn

  • the phases of the Moon
  • why the Full Moon always rises around sunset time
  • why the Moon looks red and large when it's low on the horizon
  • how to find when the next Full Moon will be
  • how to find the exact time and location the Full Moon will rise
  • how to notice the rotation of the Earth in real-time
  • how to use several free smartphone astronomy apps:

What to Expect

When the Moon is low on the horizon, it'll have a reddish-orange colour and appear larger than usual. It's not actually larger... it's just a trick of human visual perception.

For most first-timers, they are surprised by the view. If the sky is clear, it won't disappoint. We'll have the telescope with us too, so you can take a look and snap some pretty photos.

Get Your Own Moon Photo

With the telescope, we can get detailed looks at the Moon. But using a smartphone attachment, you can get your own photo of the Full Moon with your phone:

Full Moon taken with an iPhone on the telescope

Weather Rules

  • If it's absolutely pouring rain out, we're NO GO.
  • If it's cloudy, but no threat of rain, we are still GO (and will still learn a lot!)
  • If there's no clouds at all, we are GO!

Accessibility Information

I would recommend if you have trouble walking up the mountain to meet us up at the top, as it can be physically taxing for some. 

There are several bus routes that will take you up the mountain and will leave you with a much easier 10-minute walk to the chalet:

From Mont-Royal: Bus #11, get off at the Remembrance / Chemin du Chalet stop

From Concordia/Area: Bus #165 or Bus #166 to Côte-des-Neiges / Forest Hill, transfer to Bus #11, get off at the Remembrance / Chemin du Chalet stop

If you need help finding a bus route, don’t hesitate to comment or send a personal message and I will help you out.

Jun 21
Mordecai Richler Gazebo Friday 8:00 PM - 8:00 PM
7 / 12